Hey everyone!
My first picture book is here and I am going to host a
Virtual Blog Tour to celebrate it's arrival!!
Would any of you care to participate?
A Virtual Blog Tour is a way for authors and illustrators to promote their new books through a
"circle of friends" and their blogs. You post an interview or some other post idea to help promote the book and the people who read your blog see it.
As the host of the Tour, I post at the beginning of the week, a list of all the blogs (linked) who are participating.
I will also be posting everywhere else I network too.. Twitter, Jacketflap, FB, etc....
The goal is to get the word out about the book and the author/illustrator and to create new traffic to all of the blogs who are participating!
If you would like to participate, email me @ nikki.shoemaker@yahoo.com
and I will give you more details.
Also, I would like for you all to visit my new website
and let me know what you think!!!
There are a few things I have already noticed need work.. But feel free to give me your suggestions!
It is really a neat idea, and sort of fun too!!!