Happy New Year!
I hope 2009 ended well for you, both artistically and personally. In 2009, I helped start up two additional artist groups in real life: one is with two full-time artists who are business savvy women focused on keeping us accountable to our goals, and the other meets in person once a month to share progress on projects and get feedback. Its nice to work with and be inspired by other artists. I wanted to share with you bloggers some artistic goals I shared with those groups.
In 2010 I will:1.
Refresh my portfolio. Create a minimum of 3 finished pieces each month, and do a better job of getting feedback on my work from this blog and my IRL groups.
Network. Attend local gallery talks, workshops, studio tours, lectures, etc. Even if I go alone, I'm choosing to "do" this year instead of passively choosing to "don't."
Attend ICON 6 in July.My goals are focused on creating and learning, so I'm putting the brakes on the promotion side of the biz.
Anyone else want to share their goals?
-Lindsay :)