Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Feedback Please

Happy Holidays! I've been working on this piece for a long time, but something needs to be tweaked and I'm not sure what it is. I'm starting to play with textures, shadows and shading. Let me know what you think needs a change.


Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Hello artists!

I'm setting my 2009 goals now, and one is to get published. So in the effort to get my name "out there" (out where?) I'm entering some work in a nation-wide project that puts ALL entries into a gallery. I'm attaching the link to the Art House Co-op, based in Atlanta, if you are also interested. I'm participating in the Sketchbook Project (which is a traveling show) and the 10,000 project, which will be shown in Atlanta only, but 1,000 will be chosen to be printed in a book. Both entries ask for small fees.

I'll post my final pieces when they're complete. I'm still in the planning stages. :)


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feeedback please

Good morning! I'm having trouble with this little boy's face. He's not "cute" yet. I'm not quite sure what to change.

-Should his mouth be open? Or not as wide?
-Teeth or no teeth?
-Should the bags under his eyes be removed?

I feel like its close, but not yet there. Ideas?


(12/3/08) Thanks for the feedback! Revised illo found HERE.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So much activity!

I haven't done an illustration with this many pieces in a very long time--which is partially why I want to do this piece, for practice!--but I'm not sure I'm ready to do it in color yet. The focus of the piece should be the people-- the distractions happening around the table and the bewilderment of the two kids in the middle. The food's there mainly to clarify that this is Thanksgiving... and also because, well, it's a dinner table scene.

That being said, I'm a little worried that the food might end up dominating the whole picture, or at least distracting from the people and the activity. Is that something that can be achieved through color (more contrast in the people, for instance) or should I tweak the composition itself? Actually, I'd love to hear ANY thoughts! Thanks!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Updating website--advice, please!

Hello critique-ers! I'm working on updating my website and doing a rather hefty promotional mailing in the coming weeks (months? hmm, hope not!) and I need your help!

1) I'm planning on having the above illustration on the front page--so it needs to be great! Please share any comments or suggestions, keeping in mind that I work traditionally (pastels) rather than digitally like many other contributers here. I'll change what I can, and what I can't, I'll use for future reference--so all comments are helpful.

2) What should I consider changing on my website( I'm already planning the following changes:
-updating the portfolio--removing a few not-great pieces and adding some newer work.
-making the portfolio section the front page, rather than requiring you to navigate to it
-shortening the "about" page, perhaps?
-possibly removing the "contact" page and just linking to my email address

Any other thoughts?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Professional Organizations

I'm thinking about joining a professional organization for illustrators. I'd like one that will hold workshops or conferences and give useful information about marketing yourself, networking, insider tips...etc. What organizations do you belong to? Do you find the membership useful?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Looking for advice

I have always wanted to illustrate a children's book. I have the opportunity to work with someone who saw my blog and likes my style of work. One problem. He wants to know how much I will charge. HELP??? I have no idea how to price this sort of work. Do you charge for comps and finals. Do you charge for revisions? Is there just one flat fee?

This is a book for elementary school children and so far that is all I know. Thanks for any advice you can offer.

Monday, October 13, 2008

New Website

Hope everyone is doing well! No posts in a long time so I assume we're all busy busy with work. I know I am. :o)

Over the summer I took an HTML class to learn how to make my portfolio online. It was very basic because I am still very much a beginner in regards to web design. The first site was ok, but I know I will always want to improve it every few months. This weekend I redid the site and am looking for feedback. FYI, this is all HTML and CSS using basic Notepad. I don't know Flash or Java, and I don't have any new versions of Adobe products (yet).

The address is:

I'm specifically looking for feedback regarding:
-ease of use
-that the text is all written in clear language
-suggestions for improvement

Thanks in advance!


Thursday, September 18, 2008

Warm Ups

I have decided to do little digital warm ups each day (when I am not too busy)..
I have been playing a lot with digital brushes trying to find a tad bit of texture that still allows my pieces to be clean.. I am testing for the Turtle and the Hare illos...

These are the last two days and I used two different textures.
Not bad for test illos...

I will be posting them at my main blog

So add it to your bloglines list!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Need advice

I have been working on this piece of a woman meditating on the roof of a building, and am stuck. It's a point where I am mostly happy with it, but feel like it's missing something...any thoughts would be much appreciated!  

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hi everyone!
I'm so glad to be a part of this group. My name is Eleanor and I am an illustrator just starting out in the field. My boyfriend and I just moved out to Tempe, Arizona from New York City 2 weeks ago so he can attend grad school, which has been quite a change to say the least! I recently finished my second undergrad degree in illustration from FIT in NYC, and am trying to make a go of it as a freelancer (with daytime employment of course until I really make it). I have distributed promos and sent out my website, but am still trying to land my first job. I am mainly focusing on editorial and publishing clients the start out with, and its been really hard to get feedback on what I am doing and sending out and that is why I sought out a critique group. Thanks again for having me, and if you are curious what my work is like feel free to check out my I also try to do Illustration Friday every week, to keep things interesting.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

New project

This is a piece I am working on for a promotional book I making....
Promotional book, you ask...
My husband and I have rewritten the fable The Tortoise and the Hare into a racing story and I am doing 6, maybe 8 illustrations to accompany this story that I will finish and then put together in book form. It will showcase my ability to create good compositions for the different types of illustrations, it will show how I can draw the different elements from strange and dynamic angles and display how I can move characters through a story. Then I plan to send it out to publishers and editors on my mailing list. I am hoping to send it out next spring just after my next book comes out....

This piece is Turtle making a block on Hare to take the checkered flag. 
It is a double page spread. 
Let me know what you think!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Illustration Friday - Memories

I would love some feedback on this piece. I wanted to leave the clothes without color so that the focal point would be her face but does it seem too rushed? Any other suggestions for the future?


Hello everyone!

My name is Kim Holt and I am a wife and mother of two. I am an aspiring animator and illustrator and student. I am currently in the process of getting a second bachelors of Fine Arts in Animation. One more class to go. The two main goals I have are to animate a short film and illustrate a children's story (more specifically a cautionary tale). I am really glad to be apart of this group because I would love some constructive crits to improve my work. I also am looking forward to being inspired. I have recently begun participating in Illustration Friday and Artday Monday so that I can have "assignments" an keep my skills sharp.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Crit 001: "Culture Clash"

ARTICLE: Adjusting to a new work environment is the greatest challenge.

So, I recently got a new job and "detach" was rolling around in my brain. I thought about how I am detaching myself from one job, where I was relatively comfortable: got along with everyone, knew how to do the tasks--to a new job where I know nothing. To me, it was like leaving a finished puzzle which took so long to figure out, and moving to an unfinished pile of pieces.

I found this article (btw I'm big into news so I think I want to do editorial illustrations) and it talked about how adjusting to the culture of your new job is the most difficult for employees. I thought about the puzzle analogy again and wanted to show the separation between the existing staff and the newbie, yet the hope that they will join together eventually.

1. Should a top person be female so it doesn't look like a gender issue, or did that not even cross your mind?

2. Is the v-neck top too low cut or is that just me looking at it for too long?

3. Should the new girl have hair or would that be distracting?

Thanks! -Lj

(8/29/08) Thanks for comments! Revised illo found HERE.


Hello, creatives!

I'm super busy with school starting up, so I haven't made anything in a while. If you're making pieces and are ready to post, feel free. Perhaps add a question or two that you're mulling over so we know exactly what you'd like us to pinpoint. I look forward to getting the ball rolling!

-Lindsay J.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Introduction: Elizabeth

Hello new virtual friends! I'm Elizabeth Metz from Cincinnati. (Nikki, looks like we're kind of neighbors, huh?) My full-time day job finds me coordinating programs in a university office of community service. My medium of choice when illustrating (evenings, weekends... whenever I can find time AND energy at the same time) is pastel on textured paper. I'm also partial to a good old-fashioned pencil sketch now and then.

I've had a very small amount of professional experience in illustration but I've got a long way to go. I've done a handful of postcard mailings in the past year and am currently working on a bigger, belated "introduction to Elizabeth" package for a targeted group of art directors, so I'm sure I'll be looking for some feedback on the pieces that will be a part of that. I participate in Illustration Friday a few times a month, which is where a lot of my recent work has come from. I LOVE the inspiration and the camaraderie of IF, but I look forward to the honest criticisms (and subsequent learning and development) that a critique group could provide.

Besides all that, I love being outside, watching baseball, fresh produce and other delicious treats, making lists, exploring and impacting my community, libraries (especially the children's and the cooking sections), garage sales, public transportation, and quoting my favorite movies and TV shows instead of coming up with my own witticisms.

Glad to be here!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


My name is Nikki Shoemaker. I am the graphic designer for a library system in  Southwest, Ohio by day and I illustrate by night and weekends. I graduated from Columbus College of Art and Design with a BFA in Illustration. I am finishing up my first book now. It should go the printer any day... More on that later!

I am riding the wave of this book... It has inspired me to create a new portfolio which I am working on now. I wanted to join a critque group to get feedback on the pieces I may want to include in my new portfolio. Critques were very hard in college, and you get used to people giving you serious opinions of your work. I have been looking for that for a while without finding it. I actually like it more when people give me their honest opinion. Do you ever find yourself tired of hearing you're great all the time? I am hoping this group will help sort out the kinks in my work!

I try to keep up with Illustration Friday, but I have been super busy lately with murals.... 

Things are slowing down and I am focused on the portfolio work... 

Can't wait to share!!!!

Monday, August 18, 2008

About: Lindsay J.

To all members:
Just getting the ball rolling. Let's introduce ourselves to each other: day job, interests, artistic style, yada yada, and what you're looking to get out of this group.

About me:

By day I'm a technology teacher at an elementary school in Chicago. By night, a lazy bum who tries to draw when she gets inspired. Most of my work starts from prompts found at Illustration Friday or Inspire me Thursday. Since March I have sent out two rounds of promo postcards to small magazines and newspapers (to no avail. Boo.) My style is simple and colorful. I like to make people laugh with my art and get them to make a personal connection. Out of the group, I'd like feedback about the clarity of the message. Sometimes I make connections that my husband thinks are too obscure, so I'd like to make sure my art is to the point as possible. My favorite quote is "Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity."

Your turn. Tell us about you.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Illustration Critique Group

Aspiring to become a professional illustrator? Let's start a critique group. The purpose would be to give constructive feedback, to push each other to become better, to encourage each other, and share ideas for methods and self promotion. Read here to find out more about what a critique group does.

Email if you're interested in joining.