Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Feeedback please

Good morning! I'm having trouble with this little boy's face. He's not "cute" yet. I'm not quite sure what to change.

-Should his mouth be open? Or not as wide?
-Teeth or no teeth?
-Should the bags under his eyes be removed?

I feel like its close, but not yet there. Ideas?


(12/3/08) Thanks for the feedback! Revised illo found HERE.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

So much activity!

I haven't done an illustration with this many pieces in a very long time--which is partially why I want to do this piece, for practice!--but I'm not sure I'm ready to do it in color yet. The focus of the piece should be the people-- the distractions happening around the table and the bewilderment of the two kids in the middle. The food's there mainly to clarify that this is Thanksgiving... and also because, well, it's a dinner table scene.

That being said, I'm a little worried that the food might end up dominating the whole picture, or at least distracting from the people and the activity. Is that something that can be achieved through color (more contrast in the people, for instance) or should I tweak the composition itself? Actually, I'd love to hear ANY thoughts! Thanks!!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Updating website--advice, please!

Hello critique-ers! I'm working on updating my website and doing a rather hefty promotional mailing in the coming weeks (months? hmm, hope not!) and I need your help!

1) I'm planning on having the above illustration on the front page--so it needs to be great! Please share any comments or suggestions, keeping in mind that I work traditionally (pastels) rather than digitally like many other contributers here. I'll change what I can, and what I can't, I'll use for future reference--so all comments are helpful.

2) What should I consider changing on my website( I'm already planning the following changes:
-updating the portfolio--removing a few not-great pieces and adding some newer work.
-making the portfolio section the front page, rather than requiring you to navigate to it
-shortening the "about" page, perhaps?
-possibly removing the "contact" page and just linking to my email address

Any other thoughts?