Monday, November 10, 2008

Updating website--advice, please!

Hello critique-ers! I'm working on updating my website and doing a rather hefty promotional mailing in the coming weeks (months? hmm, hope not!) and I need your help!

1) I'm planning on having the above illustration on the front page--so it needs to be great! Please share any comments or suggestions, keeping in mind that I work traditionally (pastels) rather than digitally like many other contributers here. I'll change what I can, and what I can't, I'll use for future reference--so all comments are helpful.

2) What should I consider changing on my website( I'm already planning the following changes:
-updating the portfolio--removing a few not-great pieces and adding some newer work.
-making the portfolio section the front page, rather than requiring you to navigate to it
-shortening the "about" page, perhaps?
-possibly removing the "contact" page and just linking to my email address

Any other thoughts?


Nikki said...


The piece is a great piece for you to open with. The only thing I would change to the piece is to lighten it. Some of the details and the background are lost because it is dark on the monitor ( unless, it is my monitor). Can you upload the image into Photoshop and just lighter it a tad with the levels tool?

The website is clean and simple, which is best. The text throughout the website should be a consistent font size and big enough to read a good distance from a any monitor size.

Those are a few of my suggestions... Let your pieces do the talking. You have great work in a style and medium that are rarely used in this day, so keep it up!

Nikki said...


The piece is a great piece for you to open with. The only thing I would change to the piece is to lighten it. Some of the details and the background are lost because it is dark on the monitor ( unless, it is my monitor). Can you upload the image into Photoshop and just lighter it a tad with the levels tool?

The website is clean and simple, which is best. The text throughout the website should be a consistent font size and big enough to read a good distance from a any monitor size.

Those are a few of my suggestions... Let your pieces do the talking. You have great work in a style and medium that are rarely used in this day, so keep it up!

elizabeth said...

Thanks Nikki! Yeah, this looks great on my laptop monitor, but when I look at it at work it's as dark as you're describing. Lightening it up won't hurt at all. And thanks for the advice on the text-- I'll definitely keep that in mind. I think my mantra here is going to be "simplify, simplify, simplify." said...

I really like this piece too. I don't find it too dark at all. It seems "richer" than the others. The deep hues attract me to the piece, and the light green dress and leaves are a nice contrast.