Monday, August 18, 2008

About: Lindsay J.

To all members:
Just getting the ball rolling. Let's introduce ourselves to each other: day job, interests, artistic style, yada yada, and what you're looking to get out of this group.

About me:

By day I'm a technology teacher at an elementary school in Chicago. By night, a lazy bum who tries to draw when she gets inspired. Most of my work starts from prompts found at Illustration Friday or Inspire me Thursday. Since March I have sent out two rounds of promo postcards to small magazines and newspapers (to no avail. Boo.) My style is simple and colorful. I like to make people laugh with my art and get them to make a personal connection. Out of the group, I'd like feedback about the clarity of the message. Sometimes I make connections that my husband thinks are too obscure, so I'd like to make sure my art is to the point as possible. My favorite quote is "Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity."

Your turn. Tell us about you.

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